{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Ownership_Mineral", "guid": "7F0B8314-310B-4489-9F27-8289F7B6C9F6", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This dataset depicts the official State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration minerals ownership by combination of three mineral ownership types; oil and gas, coal and other minerals.", "description": "This dataset depicts the official State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration minerals ownership by combination of three mineral ownership types; oil and gas, coal and other minerals.<\/span>

The "Oil and Gas Ownership," "Coal Ownership" and "Other Minerals Ownership" fields are populated with a '0' or a '1' depending on whether or not the parcel has the specified ownership type. For example, a '0' populated for a parcel in the "Oil and Gas Ownership" field indicates that the parcel does NOT have oil and gas ownership. A '1' indicates that the parcel has oil and gas ownership.<\/p>

The "Ownership Combination" field depicts the result of the concatentation of the "Oil and Gas Ownership," "Coal Ownership" and "Other Minerals Ownership" fields represented as a 3 digit number. The digit combination will consist only of "0s" and "1s." The possible combinations are as follows:<\/p>
