{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Recreation_Kiosk_LaSal", "guid": "2C797DD7-3768-418C-9693-65652B128C56", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This dataset depicts the official State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration kiosks in the La Sal Blocks, Utah.", "description": "
By\n continuing beyond this point and/or by clicking any link on this site, \nyou agree to the terms and conditions as described above and you agree \nthat you understand the limitations and unofficial status of the data \nprovided on this website.<\/p>
Please\n Note: While the Trust Lands Administration seeks to verify data for \naccuracy and content, discrepancies may exist within the data. Acquiring\n the most updated Trust Lands Administration ownership GIS data may \nrequire contacting the GIS staff at TLA-GIS@utah.gov<\/a>.\n The Trust Lands Administration GIS department welcomes your comments \nand concerns regarding the data and will attempt to resolve issues as \nthey are brought to our attention.<\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>" }